CEO’s Message — August 2020
Respecting Each Other
I have had many conversations recently with community members, employees, and your Board of Directors. The conversations centered around our communities, as well as the country and the world. Clearly, there are differing opinions on what a public organization such as Wells Rural Electric Co.’s responsibility is during such challenging times.
As the executive responsible for this organization and its people, I want to restate our core organizational values and beliefs, as well as our philosophy and mission. These are our guideposts. I feel fortunate the Board of Directors had the vision to establish principles that have guided your cooperative for decades. There have been minor revisions to prepare for changing circumstances, but I believe these principles have remained relevant and appropriate for the times.
Our mission: Wells Rural Electric Co. improves the quality of life of the communities we serve by meeting the changing needs of our members through the guiding principles of our locally controlled cooperative.
Our philosophy: We value our public power traditions, while seeking new and better ways to preserve the benefits of that heritage. We believe that with innovation, teamwork, and commitment, we can compete effectively in a changing environment.
Core Values and Beliefs
Safety: Working safely and protecting our members, your employees and your infrastructure is not negotiable. The “Commitment to Zero” program enhanced our efforts to eliminate accidents and injuries by integrating a nationally recognized safety program.
Integrity: Being ethical and holding ourselves accountable to conduct business in a fair, honest, transparent, compliant, and environmentally responsible manner is at the core of what we do.
Member service: Providing quality service at a competitive price while being responsible to our members’ needs creates added value and improves member satisfaction.
Respect: Encouraging constructive dialogue that promotes a culture of inclusiveness, recognizes our differences, and accepts varying viewpoints will lead us to optimal solutions for even the most difficult challenges.
Operational excellence: Engaging employees to strive for excellence and continuous improvement ensures we provide reliable service while managing costs and creating a rewarding work environment.
Sustainability: Maintaining financial integrity, minimizing our environmental impact, and supporting responsible economic development in our communities ensures the long-term viability of the organization and the communities we serve.
Part of my commitment to the organization and our members is to continue to listen and to learn. I will do so while ensuring the safe and reliable provision of electric service for you.
Clay R. Fitch
Chief Executive Officer