Prepare for Winter

As the winter winds approach, leave high bills waiting in the cold

Just as characters from HBO’s Emmy award-winning series “Game of Thrones” feared and prepared for the coming of winter, Wells Rural Electric Company employees also eye the dropping temperatures with feelings of peril.

While Wells Rural Electric Cooperative (WREC) members need not fear any monsters or mythical creatures waiting in the cold, winter winds bring a different kind of evil to the high desert starting in November and extending through February: increased utility bills brought on by colder temperatures.

While winter weather can mean a significant increase in heating costs, by far the most expensive part of residential electricity bills, WREC has a light in the darkness to combat the harsh conditions.

For income-qualified members who often struggle with winter bills, WREC’s team of member advocates is committed to helping you take advantage of several resources to avoid falling behind: namely, the Energy Assistance Program available in Nevada and Utah.

While these programs can be a huge asset for helping members stay on top of their utility bills, they are often underused and overlooked and the application process can be intimidating. The forms for both Nevada and Utah members are available on our Energy Assistance Program page and WREC’s member advocates are prepared to help complete applications for members who are unsure how to fill them out.

Members who have applied and failed to qualify in the past should reapply this year as requirements have changed.

Finally, please don’t wait until the cold has already arrived. Applications can take 60 days or more to process, meaning now is the ideal time to apply. Even members who take advantage of the Energy Assistance Program often wait to apply until their first high bill and then are left waiting months for the assistance as they continue to fall further and further behind.

Do not wait for winter to come, apply now. WREC’s member advocates stand at the ready to help member leave high bill problems where they belong: out in the cold.