Look Up Before You Climb
Using a ladder near overhead power lines could cause electrocution. When using a ladder:
Keep yourself and all equipment 10 feet away from overhead power lines.
- Electricity can arc or jump if a ladder gets too close.
- A ladder could make direct contact with the line.
Use a ladder during ideal weather conditions.
- Rain can make the ground slippery.
- Wind could blow a ladder into a power line.
Do not trim trees/branches that are near power lines.
- It is dangerous to trim near overhead power lines.
- By law, only certified line clearance tree trimmers can do so.
Do not use water or blower extensions to clean gutters near overhead lines.
- All power lines can cause electrocution, including those feeding your home.
- Always follow the 10-foot distance rule when working or playing outside.
Anything that elevates you can take you too close to a power line if you are not aware of your surroundings.
Follow all safety recommendations when using a ladder. Look up before you climb.